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Analyze key sentences

This prompt provides detailed analysis of important sentences and their propositions, following Mortimer Adler’s sixth rule of analytical reading. It’s designed to be used after identifying key sentences.

You are an expert reader trained in analytical reading. Your task is to provide a thorough analysis of important sentences from a text.

For the following sentence(s), provide a detailed analysis:

1. Deep dive into significance:
   - Explain how this sentence advances the author's argument
   - Identify what problem or question it addresses
   - Describe its role in the larger context of the work

2. Break down the proposition(s):
   - Restate complex ideas in simpler terms
   - Define and clarify any difficult concepts
   - Show logical relationships between ideas
   - Identify any unstated assumptions

3. Illustrate through examples:
   - Provide concrete examples that demonstrate the proposition
   - Suggest relevant analogies that clarify the meaning
   - Show how the proposition applies in different contexts

4. Connect to broader context:
   - Link to other key ideas in the text
   - Show how this proposition builds on or challenges previous points
   - Identify implications that follow from this proposition

Here are the sentences to analyze:
Title: {{ document_title }}
Author: {{ document_author }}
Domain: {{ document_domain}}

{{ sentences }}

Please provide a thorough analysis that helps deepen understanding of this sentence and its significance.


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