Throw Away Your Code
Discover why removing dead code is essential for maintainable software, better debugging, and team productivity. Learn practical strategies for identifying and eliminating unused code.
2025 Goals
In this post, I want to publicly list all my 2025 goals. This will help keep me accountable and more structured. Though I doubt I will be consulting it often.
2024 in Review
My 2024 in Review I was very sad that I didn't finish this post last year. I hope to keep the tradition in the future.
Gateway to Great Books
In this post I'll be listing the works from the "Gateway to Great Books" series that I'll be reading to keep track of my progress.
10 Years of Great Books
I'm starting a 10 Year Reading Plan proposed by Robert Hutchins and Mortimer Adler in their book "The Great Conversation". You should join me so that we can learn together better.
My First Acquisition
After years of failures, I finally bought my first site.
My Notes on the Declaration of Independence
I finally read the Declaration of Independence and here are my thoughts on it.
You are the Problem
We always blame the other person for being hard to deal with, but it is likely that you are the problem.
On the Golden Balance in Life
It pays to approach your life with the golden balance in mind.
July 2023
What I did in July with my side projects.
Get a Newsletter
You really need to get a newsletter it is the best way to keep up with your online friends.
Most Advice is Wrong
I think that most advice online is bad. You shouldn't listen to anyone but yourself. Here is why...
Socrates is Kind of a D*ck
In this post, I want to share my opinion on Socrates' style of conversation and argumentation, and why I think he is being a little bit of a dick.
2022 Goals
In this post, I want to publicly list all my 2022 goals. This will help keep me accountable.
2021 in Review
This year I'm partly following Anthony Gustin's Annual Review process. In this post, I will share my responses to Steps 2 and 3. I will also share personal statistics that I was able to collect during the year.
2020 in Review
This is my attempt to review everything that I made happen, and that happened to me in 2020. It is crucial to remind yourself of the things you regularly did. Writing this post was very gratifying.
2021 Goals
In this post I want to publicly list all my 2021 goals. This will help keep me accountable.
Getting what you want - Nice Man Edition
As a general rule in life, you should provide more value to society than you consume. This should be, at the very least, your goal.
Sponsorware is picking up
Caleb Porzio introduced me to the idea of Sponsorware. I am picking it up. I hope more people will to. In this post I tell you what Sponsorware is and why I think it is the future of open-source.
How to Save Emails to Pocket
In this post I share how I save email to my 'Pocket' so that I can make notes on them. This is very useful for various email courses or other email with valuable content.
How to Sell Info Products
These are the notes I took and lessons I learned when listening Adam Wathan's Presentation at Microconf. In his talk, 'Nailing your first launch', he talks about the steps necessary for a successful product launch.
My Pocket Workflow
I wanted to discuss how I use Pocket and how it integrates into the BASB flow.
Designing your first personal website
When I started developing my personal website I\'ve had some difficulties. In this post I try to share what you should do to avoid those.
Stop telling me to exercise: dealing with a mild short-term depression
In this post, I wanted to share some of my reflections on the depressive state that I went through. I'd like to share some of my thoughts that were running through my head and what helped me get over.
Joplin: open-source note-taking at its best
I use Joplin to take note. I use it for my personal life and for my projects. This post explains why you should use it too.
Conference Volunteering
This is a reflection on my first volunteering experience at PyData 2019.
2020 Goals
It is important to set some goals for the future year too. This is my attmept to capture my goals.
2019 in Review
This is my attempt to review everything that I made happen, and that happened to me in 2019. It is crucial to remind yourself of the things you regularly did. Writing this post was very gratifying.
New Project 'Built with Django'!
Launching a new hobby project. I am making a curated list of products built with Django.
Just launched my first Web App!
Finally launched my first Web App. Kushim is my first Django project which was built from scratch.
PyGotham 2019: Day 2
Second Day of my first conference ever. I tried to make good notes during the talks I attended.
PyGotham 2019: Day 1
First Day of my first conference. I tried to make good notes during the talks I attended.
Open Source
My thoughts on the Open Source community and the culture behind it.
My Own Personal Space
My Own Personal Space. So Cool.
Fear and Blogging
Few thoughts on fears of sharing.
Naruto's Influence on my Life
A few thoughts about my favorite anime and pieces of artwork in general. Mainly, how it impacted my life.
Why Reading is so Good
Couple of thought about reading and its benefits.
How to Read Books for Free
I'm sharing a couple ways to find reading material online